Sign Painting
I have misspelled the most important of words during my almost fifty years of lettering. What began as a love for the hand lettered drawings in architecture classes led me to a life of dragging a brush across billboards, yacht transoms, bank doors, for sale signs and theater scenery. I studied on this journey with Ron Olmsted, Mike Stevens and later, Bob Moody. Did I forget someone? Oh yeah, Rachel Keebler.
Early on in my training I worked with a lot of “old Guys” who kept the spirit of the historic methods burning brightly in me, adding the ever changing modern touches I followed other sign painters, and spent time with many unnamed graffiti artists. (I dislike rattle cans, but love brushes.)
Last century my work was selected as an honorable mention in the Signs of the Times International Design contest and published in Sign Design Gallery 2.
I have been honored by the city of Muskegon Michigan for creating many signs in their nationally recognized historic district.
I dislike being called an artist. I am a craftsman, constantly working on my craft, pushing it to be an art form. Come spend a week working and developing your sign painting craft. Bring enthusiasm and an open belief that you can create a wonderful finished project. Mostly paint, maybe some gold leaf. Be ready to jam a five year apprenticeship, a fifty year career and a love of letters into a week.