Training Program Testimonials
In traditional academic circles, your school would be considered as an intense post-degree, pre-professional institution. With the current level of teaching integrated with practical application, Cobalt Studios is considered to be one of the finest training opportunities for students aspiring to become scenic artists. The training is reflective of the old Academy system where students of varying levels, apprentices and journey persons, are challenged and directed by a Master Teacher(s). What is important for me to convey, is that the level of training offered to students is beyond what is currently available in most graduate programs with specializations in design and technology. For my students, I would send them to you for intensive training after I had given them all that time and our current academic curriculum would allow.
—C. Lance Brockman
If you’ve known me for a while, you have seen the personal and professional growth I have gained. Most of this is from my own reflection and soul searching, but Cobalt was a catalyst to spurning a creative energy that helped me see how I had stifled my own abilities of being the best person I could be. You will always have a special place in my heart.
—Janetta Carney
Dear Cobalt Folks!
I am doing well down here in Kentucky so far, I’ve painted just about every day that I have been here! My TD is a genius at Photoshop. He was completely excited when he heard he was getting a painter from Cobalt, so he is a big fan.
And if I didn’t say it at graduation enough thank you all so much for all your support over the last couple of years. I owe everything I now know to Cobalt and I don’t know really where I would be without it and everyone there! So thank you again, I miss you all very much and if I don’t say something about one of you every day, it’s a rare occasion. Much love to all, I plan on keeping in touch!
Have a great summer!
—Jamie Clausius, SATP class of 2009
This program is one of the most useful trainings I have ever completed in my teaching career. The facilities, the faculty…absolutely incredible. I have used every technique I learned in that course and my school’s productions are now much more professional. I have taught numerous students these techniques—many of which can even be used in your own home! Absolutely hands-down worth it.
—Lindsay Shields on Teachers Training
Hi Rachel,
Attached is a Thank You letter I wrote for Sean. I thought you would enjoy it. The letter applies to you as well! Thank you for developing such a wonderful program and providing opportunities for education in scene painting.
Dear Sean,
I would like to thank you for a wonderful experience at Cobalt Studios in White Lake, NY. I knew for years that Cobalt Studios was the “place to go” to learn how to paint scenery. This was reinforced by my experience this past summer.
I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I knew that we would have expectations, some perhaps high, placed on us and that we would be working very hard. I had no idea that I would be taken under a teacher’s wing, your wing specifically Sean, and be guided and trained and pushed and encouraged to attain the best skills I could in scene painting. I also didn’t expect to have so much fun painting! Scene painting IS hard work. Spending 9 hours a day should have exhausted me, but every evening I found myself entertained in discussions and debates with the other students and teachers and learning even more.
My experience at Cobalt Studios not only taught me many scene painting skills, but has increased my desire to work harder, make my productions better, piqued my curiosity in experimenting and encouraged me to expand my skills.
Thank you again for a very valuable experience. I’ve come away not only with skills, but confidence and encouragement and also a role model in you. I hope to maintain contact as a resource for all my future theater work because I value your opinion, your ability to share and your talent to teach.
—Sincerely, Amy Langenecker
Rachel, I am so happy I was with you for a semester! I wish I had done this years and years ago. I have a couple of students who are really good painters, who really get it. They really keep looking at the color copy before they put a brush or roller to the canvas. I told one that she might want to consider this specialty as a career someday….
And thank you Rachel for getting me to plan. I mean to actually sit down and write out what I’m going to paint first, second, third, last. And then to actually examine a photo, like a coroner examines a body, and mix the colors accordingly. I had 31 colors for Drop #2. Can’t wait to photo and send you.
I learned so much in ten weeks!
—Best regards, Paul Newman
Thank you for hosting such an informative session with Flints. I have come to trust quality content and a welcoming and inspirational atmosphere from Cobalt Studios.
—Elizabeth Wislar, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania