
2008 – present : Professor of Theatre Design, Texas Christian University
2024                  : Portrait Painting- Cobalt Studios
2005 – 2008     : Job Lead/ Staff Carpenter/ Painter – Chicago Scenic Studios
2004                  : MFA Design: Scenography – The University of Kansas
1992                   : BFA Design: Illustration – The University of Kansas

Since the year 2000, I have had the opportunity to teach a wide variety of classes because of my past and ongoing
experiences as a home builder, carpenter, children’s furniture creator, designer, draftsman, muralist, and painter. My
approach to teaching art for theatre and entertainment has always been from the standpoint of, ‘in order to approach a
design, one must think in all areas’. The three main visual areas of theatre for instance being scenery, lighting, and
costumes. This is of great importance to me, and an idea that I truly strive to instill in every student that I cross paths with.
In addition to solid research and observational studies, thinking three-dimensionally when executing in two, I find to be the
keys to successful rendering of anything…
I regularly teach a class over the course of two semesters devoted to drawing artifacts from period styles covering The
Ancients into the 20th century. Through the lens of the theatre artist, the artifacts are in the form of, but not limited to
architecture, its elements, furnishings, costumes, decorative motifs, and sculpture. While covering the complexity of
portraiture, I emphasize strong structural groundwork, light source, and brushwork. I greatly enjoy traveling with my
family and encountering these historical items first-hand with sketching equipment in hand at the ready. These
experiences continually mold me as an artisan and as a life-long learner.

website: www.clinnin.com
instagram: bjclinnin